

When you place an order, we know you want your product as soon as possible, and we will try our best to make that happen! The majority of the goods we offer will ship promptly and arrive at your door quickly. If doing so may help you receive the product more quickly, we work closely with our vendors to have the items shipped directly to you from their warehouse.

Once a size or color is chosen on the product page, an availability status for the item will be displayed. This availability status will also be displayed on the shopping cart page and in your order confirmation email. The majority of items will be tagged "In Stock - Needs 1-2 Business Days of Lead Time Before Shipping." The lead time until the purchase is dispatched will not be shortened if you choose an expedited delivery method, but these products will ship out in 1-2 business days. Not all things will always be in stock in every location at all times, though we'll try to ship from the one nearest to you. We may need to consolidate the things in one place before shipping them out as one package in certain situations, while in others we may split the order and send each shipment to you separately. In an effort to provide the products to you as quickly as possible, we make the best decision we can. 

Usually within 24 hours of an item shipping, a shipping confirmation email with carrier-specific tracking information is sent. You will receive your tracking information either Thursday evening or Friday morning, for instance, if you place an item on Monday night and it goes out Thursday morning.

Need help? We're available at(916) 428-4040 - Email us atsupport@pcpmotorsports.com orlive help
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